Ben & Jerry
The greatest thing happened today… I dunno if you remember the photo with the random black cat that I posted a while ago… well, that cat came back, so I fed it and I let it in the house for a bit. Then, about 30 min later this cat comes back with something in its mouth… it looked like a little wet black ball… I looked closer and it was a kitten! At first I thought it was dead cuz the big cat was holding it from its throat and it wasn’t moving, but then I went outside, and I saw"
(youve gotta click on the thumbnail cuz my imagehosting is being an ass)
So I took them both inside, fed the random cat some more and dried the kitten, and let them back out. 30 minutes later the mom comes dragging another furball to my porch. By now it was time I went to work, so I quickly fed the mom some more and set off. I came back at 5pm and there were three kittens-and the mom was at the door for more food. 10pm…and one more was added. I was beginning to wonder where the inexhaustible baby supply was coming from… the next morning I woke up and there were 5. They’re the cutest things imaginable. I’d say they’re no more than 2 or 3 weeks old… just little balls of fur running around everywhere. I put out a drawer and a bucket… and I guess they’ve found a new home.
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