Today I made a great discovery. I discovered wrinkle-free washers. That’s right. It washes your clothes, and they come out- get this – without wrinkles. Its amazing… I don’t know where they go… one minute they’re there, and an hour later… no more. Its like a wrinkle black hole… it sucks them out of clothing. Imagine the possibilities… why stop at clothing? If it works with shirts, why not grandmothers?
Apparently washing machines aren’t very good at multitasking, cuz, yes, there are no wrinkles… but my clothes haven’t gotten any cleaner.
And in answer to your question nadja:
... and i found out where the board shorts flower comes from.
Apparently washing machines aren’t very good at multitasking, cuz, yes, there are no wrinkles… but my clothes haven’t gotten any cleaner.
And in answer to your question nadja:

... and i found out where the board shorts flower comes from.
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